First week of the proper training regime, and whilst I took the distance right down compared to the last couple of weeks I've kept the pace up and tried a couple of different things - some Fartlek training (fast, slow intervals) on Wednesday and 9 miles in the pouring rain today! Only 13 weeks until the Marathon...
5 runs
26.5 miles
3 hours 44 minutes
So that's an average speed of 7.06 mph
A History of Sex Workers and Oscar Wins
6 hours ago
Can you share your dietary regimen while you're in training?
Sounds like you're on the right track (pun is sort of intentional).
I've tried keeping a diary this week, I'll post it with tomorrow's running post.
Not sure it will help though as I'm not very good at sticking to dietary plans and any weight loss I've managed has been purely down to the exercise.
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