Hi there,
I wanted to write a brief note to my few regular readers just to say how much I've enjoyed writing this blog over the past three and a bit years, however to be honest it has come to the point that I no longer enjoy writing.
This morning when I woke up my thoughts turned to preparing another week of birthday posts, and Tuesday trailers and a recap of the weeks news and a review of Cage/Kidman vehicle Trespass, and it just felt like a chore, neither a cathartic nor an excited prospect. These days I write just because I feel I have to keep going with the blog, rather than because of any desire to share my views.
It is for that reason that I'm going to take a sabbatical, initially until the end of the year however that may extend.
I will still stay on here though and visit your blogs, even occasionally posting responses. I would especially like to thank the trio of bloggers who have stuck with me since the blog began: Tom at Reinvention, Alex in Movieland and Andrew's Encore. These three are incisive and witty writers whose work I will continue to follow, indeed I hope to be able to continue discussion of movies with them through comments, something which I know I have been less than diligent with in the past.
Thank you once again for all your support here.
x x x
Paul Newman @ 100: "Slap Shot"
1 hour ago
Aaaaw, thanks. This is such a nice post to wake up to, even though I feel I haven't been nearly as generous as I ought to in visits to blogger friends.
Oh, no....
Ben, I understand the sense of burnout... And it is often good to step back for a bit and re-fill the pipeline... but damn, I am going to miss your reviews...
You should know that your blog is one of my favorite things to read in any medium, and my world is just about to lose a little bit of its shine with your absence.
I definitely feel the same way as Andrew, who is another bright spot in my blog-world....
Bidding you a sad "see you later", and hope you will reconsider, and find a bit of energy to come back to us sooner....
Please don't stay away too long, my friend... And I had better stop now, because, well, I am likely to get all sentimental...
Just...Hugs.....and come back soon....
I kinda understand how it is to reach such a point... when it turns a bit into an "obligation". Even moreso, I'm sometimes overwhelmed by the years it will take me to get thru best actress series.
people who don't have blogs don't always realize how much of our free time it often gets.
To me, it's still a joy. But I hear you.
Sad you won't post that often, but I hope it becomes a good thing for you: meaning that maybe you can use the time to focus more on professional stuff and career.
Thanks for mentioning me.
and at least let us know what's going on on a personal level, once in a while. :)
Thanks so much for your kind thoughts, chaps.
Put your feet up, wrap your Snuggie around you, and enjoy your sabbatical.
Julie the Jarhead
Your sincerity will be missed but I'm sure you'll be having some great fun in the "real world". So, go for it!
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