Wednesday 18 November 2009

Brenda Vaccaro

Happy Birthday to

Brenda Vaccaro

70 today

Am I the only person who thinks Brenda post coital (ish) scene in Midnight Cowboy was the highlight of the film? Feel free to make some comments of your own.

1 comment:

TomS said...

Wow, you really pegged it for me..."Midnight Cowboy" is a great film, one of my all-time favorites, a masterpiece of cinema, the ultimate example of '60's experimental filmmaking, wrapped around a story of great emotion, performed brilliantly by leads and supporting players alike.
And yes, Vaccaro's scene in which she subtly taunts Jon Voight to a round of violent lovemaking, is one of many highlights, for me.
I could go on and on about this film....maybe I'll post about it tonight...hope you'll visit.