Tuesday 24 August 2010

Ronee Blakley

Happy Birthday to

Ronee Blakley

65 today

Of course there are only two performances - as different in scope as chalk from cheese - that get remembered in Ronee back catalogue. For many people it's the doomed Marge in Nightmare on Elm Street, but for me it's her stunning turn as a country singer on the verge of a nervous breakdown in Robert Altman's Nashville. Here she is singing about her Idaho Home:


TomS said...

Oh Ben, I love you!! for posting this, one of my favorite scenes in one of the most exhilarating and original films I have ever seen.....I can't say enough about her embodiment of Barbara Jean. And Altman's coverage of the action...a studied haphazard style that is more controlled that meets the eye....A poweful and terrific film.
Thank you!!!

Runs Like A Gay said...

I can never get tired of watching Nashville, probably my favourite Altman and Iwould say the most influential American film of the 1970's.
