Tuesday 1 November 2011

Toni Collette

Happy Birthday to

Toni Collette

39 today

When Fright Night came out a couple of months ago I heard one reviewer lament how every time you see Toni she looks thinner. It's an interesting point, and one that seems to hinge on the unfortunate ways that female stars have to conform in Hollywood, whilst never really over weight, Toni was often thought of that way because of her Australian breakout role in Muriel's Wedding but in order to keep the parts coming, even the mother to the hero parts like the aforementioned horror remake, she's had to scrape every inch of form from her body. There aren't even any great parts coming for her right now.


Andrew K. said...

At least she was great in United States of Tara before it got cancelled. A silly decision on Showtime's part.

Runs Like A Gay said...

Very odd, but then had the show run out of ideas?