Sunday, 22 June 2008

Training Phase 1, Day 1

So the training has begun.

I have broken the training into 4 phases:

1) 6 weeks. Get used to running 3-4 times per week. Build up the stamina to keep going at a reasonable pace for 1 hours.

2) 12 weeks. Prepare for the Birmingham half marathon. I've done half marathons before but I am aiming to beat my best time (2hr 14 min).

3) 12 weeks. Build up to full marathon distance.

4) 14 weeks. Use what I've learnt so far as a basis to move on, working on both speed and stamina - I want to be able to complete the London marathon inside of 4.5 hours.

So today it's the first day of phase 1.

I went to the gym - spent 2 hours on a number of machines (and chest work - weights fans) - including 30 minutes on the treadmill during which I went 5.1km. That's just over 3 miles or 12% of the marathon distance.

That's truly horrible when I think about it.

It was a hard slog but I wasn't pushing myself for all I can, and it is only day 1.

Please feel free to make comments if you think my plan needs work, or if you have any suggestions to help my training - I'm off for a banana now.


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