Friday 4 July 2008

Out this Week (04/07/08)

Loads of films out this week. In alphabetical order:

Death Note: The Last Name

Bizarre looking hokum about a book which, if your name is written in it, means death within 40 seconds. Apparently the first film did very well.

Runs like a Gay Excitometer: ●●●○○○○○○○


Will Smith is Hancock, reluctant superhero. Jason Bateman is his PR guru. Charlize Theron is a love interest of sorts. This will be number 1 at the box office next week.

Runs like a Gay Excitometer: ●●●●●○○○○○

Kung Fu Panda

I genuinely find it very difficult to get excited about cartoons - aren't they for kids. This one involves a Panda (Jack Black) finding out he's the "chosen one", learning Kung Fu and defeating the evil Snow Leopard. Second film in 2 weeks with Angelina Jolie - what with the twins dropping any minute she's a busy girl.

Runs like a Gay Excitometer: ●●●●●○○○○○

Mes Amis Mes Amours

French romantic comedy, set in London, with elements of step-parenting dilemmas and sex scenes. Subtitled hilarity ensues.

Runs like a Gay Excitometer: ●●●○○○○○○○

Eight months after it's Stateside release Frank Darrabont's third film based on a Stephen King short story makes it to the UK. Cross-section of Maine get stuck inside a supermarket with beasties lurking in the mist outside. But are we the real monsters. Marcia Gay Harden and Tom Jane supply the answers. (This is my film of the week, and I may even go and see it...)

Runs like a Gay Excitometer: ●●●●●●○○○○

Guy Mappin takes us on a tour of his hometown with actors playing real people, except when there are real people playing themselves, with flights in tone and influences. Or something.

Runs like a Gay Excitometer: ●●●●○○○○○○

This US Immigration drama is getting quite a lot of buzz elsewhere on the internet, some people even suggesting that Richard Jenkins has a good case for a Lead Actor Oscar nod. Shame it's only opening in very limited venues.

Runs like a Gay Excitometer: ●●●●●○○○○○

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