The more astute among you - he says like anybody ever looks at this blog more than once - will notice that the blog list has suddently extended. This is because more people have commented on this site.
It's really that simple... Give me a comment, get your blog on the right.
I'm so very cheap.
The other reason is because one of the later commenters - not the very cute Alex in Movieland who's always commenting and you must check up his stuff here or here - also pointed me to the blog of Quinn Cummings. Yes the actual blog of someone I've name checked in a birthday.
How brilliant is that. Feel free to check out her stuff, and her new book, by going to The QC Report.
The Oscar Shortlists for the 97th Academy Awards
11 hours ago
Have you ever checked Miss Fonda's site/blog? :) I'm still shocked that such an A lister like Jane would do this personally.
I never commented there and thankfully enough I noticed she doesn't answer comments. that would've been too much, I would've died :) and what could I write? Dear Jane, on my blog I gave you 5 stars for your performance in Julia??? :P
Why not give her a bad score, then sit back and watch the fireworks...
I'll have to look it up - what's her url?
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